Why I really like my smile lines


A life without laugh lines? Would only be half as nice! gettotext.com editor Jessica Moner why her laugh lines have become dear to her heart.

Some time ago I read about a woman who does not laugh anymore to avoid wrinkles. A sad story that made me think for a long time. I was wondering: Is a smooth face without wrinkles really worth a life without laughter?

Honesty of the truth: Of course it’s not as if I have always wished to be laughable. When I see photos of me from earlier, still without wrinkles, I also think: “Yes, looked good, fresher, younger”. Of course, I also diligently drunk water, used creams against wrinkles, tried to frown as little as possible and hoped that my skin would stay smooth for a long time.

An older face full of laugh lines simply has a very special charisma.

But it was always clear: At some point, they will come, the wrinkles. And I have always hoped that it will be mainly laugh lines . Because earlier and today I find people with laugh lines particularly beautiful.

An older face full of laugh lines simply has a very special charisma and a power that sometimes astounds me. Nothing makes a person look better than a smile. Whenever a person laughs, the sun rises.

I think of the radiance of my mother, the tender smile of my husband, the warm laughter of my sister, the mischievous smile of my father, the wise smile of my grandparents, the loud laughter of my friends in happy moments full of life.

I think of the first smile after a time of sadness, the first smile full of hope and confidence on a beautiful morning.

Every single smile is a nice memory.”

Laughter wrinkles stand for good times, sun, sparkling wine, time by the sea, joie de vivre, lightheartedness, seconds without worries, times full of love, friendship and happiness.

Laughter wrinkles look like butterflies, conjure up thoughts of springtime in the head, the first lemon butterflies, when the sun comes back after months of winter.

Every single one of my laugh lines represents a beautiful memory, precious time full of joy in my life, with dear people, to whom my heart belongs. I do not want to miss a single one of these memories.

How unbelievably valuable all these memories are, becomes especially painful when you have to let a loved one go, when his laughter echoes only as a memory through the thoughts.

And when you think back to the time with this person, then you realize how short life is. Far too short to waste his time, with thoughts of wrinkles and worries about impeccability.

Every second of our life is a gift, every smile is a blessing, and every smile is a symbol that is welcome.”

Yes, I would not have minded if my skin had stayed smooth for a long time, but with all that my smile lines stand for, they’ve really grown to my heart and they’re happy to stay forever.