Window cleaner – worker fell from a height of 6 meters onto the concrete floor

A Syrian man fell dangerously while cleaning windows in Perg on Wednesday. The 35-year-old fell about six meters to the ground after his scissor lift was suddenly knocked over by an opening gate. The seriously injured man had to be flown to the accident hospital in Linz.

A 35-year-old Syrian from Linz was cleaning the skylight windows on the ceiling at a company in Perg around 1 p.m. To get up there, he stood on a scissor lift and went up about twenty feet. He had not turned off the main switch for the aluminum gate. The cause is unclear. The rails for the gate run parallel to the ceiling at a height of around five meters into the interior of the hall. The scissor lift stood between these two rails. For reasons that are still unclear, the large aluminum gate was activated and opened. When the gate was opened, the scissor lift and the worker were knocked over.Serious injuriesThe 35-year-old fell to the concrete floor and suffered serious injuries. After receiving emergency medical first aid, he was taken to the UKH Linz by rescue helicopter.
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