Windows 11 is preparing a big change for the Start menu, here it is in pictures

The Windows 11 Start menu is about to welcome something new. Microsoft announces an important addition that could change the way we use it in the future. The proof in pictures.

Windows 11 Start Menu
Credits: 123RF

If Windows 11 regularly receives visible new features, there is one element that changes little: the start menu. Since Microsoft seems happy with its look, the company rarely touches it, although it sometimes tries modifications that not everyone likes. This time, users should find the addition interesting.

Through a blog post, we learn of the arrival of something which will partly transform the appearance of the Start menu, but also the way we use it on a daily basis, just that.

Here’s the change Microsoft is planning for the Windows 11 Start menu

More than a complete overhaul of the design or ergonomics of the Start menu, we will be entitled to theintegration of Mobile Connectéthe program that allows you to manage your smartphone from your PC. Windows obviously wants to emphasize this: we know for example that the file explorer will allow easier access to the mobile once it is linked to the computer. Here, a new dedicated column appears to the right of the menu.

Windows 11 Phone Link in Start MenuWindows 11 Phone Link in Start Menu
The Windows 11 Start menu will include a section dedicated to your smartphone as soon as it is connected to the PC

Microsoft details the 3 features associated with this addition:

  • Effortless connectivity”: from the Start menu, you will see “your phone’s battery status and connectivity” (if Bluetooth is activated for example).
  • Unified communications”: opening the Start menu will provide direct access to “your phone messages, calls and photos” so as not to miss anything.
  • Continuity of experience”: if you were doing something on your smartphone before connecting it to the PC, you will be able to resume this activity where you left off directly from the Windows 11 Start menu.

The Redmond firm has not announced a deployment date for the moment, but you can already test these new features if you wish. For that it is necessary sign up for the Windows Insider program and install the build 22635.3790 or higher from Beta channel. The version of the Connected Mobile application must be at least the 1.24052.124.0.

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