Women report: what men want from prostitutes

Hasn't every woman ever wondered how things are in the brothel? An online survey now gives the answer.

Usually we do not get an insight into the daily routine of a prostitute. Questions that you have probably already asked yourself are, for example: Do the prostitutes have "normal" sex with the clients? Or: Do you have special skills? On the online platform "Reddit", a user asked what bizarre experiences Women from the sex business with their customers. Quite interesting what came out of it …

The strange foot exam

"I used to have a guy who put me on the table and took off my shoes. Then he took out a dental exam kit, an electric toothbrush and mirror, and did a dental exam on my feet. For an hour! He was looking for holes, polishing, flossing, etc. I had to pretend he was really examining my teeth down there. He never bared his penis. It was incredibly fun, even if it was weird at first. "

Some like it hot!

"A customer wanted me to scald him in a hot pot over and over again. As long as he can stand it. Of course I said: No, I don't!"

The vagina with the face

"One wanted me to paint crazy eyebrows, those that look really nasty. Then I should have a clown mouth. That was enough on my face. Next I should paint fangs on my nipples. Vampire tits, haha! And then, finally, a face on my vagina, with eyes, nose and mouth. We had a lot of fun. I don't think he got you down, I could see him. We just laughed a lot. "

An unusual penis massage

There was a guy from the VIP area who paid me for a few dances and then he wanted me to step on his penis with my 18-centimeter high heels. I did it very carefully and he assured me that I would not hurt him. Then I really got going, stood on it and even twirled it. It was really funny. Then he bought my panties for about $ 50. A really fun night! "

The man shows elbows!

"I was a waitress in a strip club. A guest wanted the girls to rub his elbows …"

Organization is everything

"A customer wanted me to create the weekly to-do lists for shopping and housework with him. He was a young handsome man, maybe 25 and British. He said he has been lonely since his fiancee for moved to Belgium a year. Those were all the things she told him to do and now she was too busy for that. So he booked a private show every week, we drank coffee and worked out the lists for the next week. I got him good luck for the next working day. It was kind of cute and heartbreaking. "

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