World Cancer Day: Breast Cancer: "Despite my diagnosis, I am happy"

Breast cancer is not a death sentence, especially when caught early. These four women know that and give others courage – by transforming themselves into their very own “courage symbols”.

Go to preventive care!

Having suffered from breast cancer herself, Daniela Fricaud took part as a model in the pink ribbon challenge “Glow Up – Germany’s next make-up star” (ZDFneo). Together with “Pink Ribbon Germany”, the make-up artist is now taking a new approach to raising awareness of breast cancer: four women with the disease were invited to a “Fantastic” weekend in Würzburg. All four told their stories and were introduced to her by Daniela very personal encouragement symbols.

Hayriye, Tanja, Sabine and Corinna had themselves restyled – Hayriye as a fighter, Tanja as Tinkerbell, Sabine as a flower and Corinna as a phoenix from Harry Potter. These symbols each have a very special meaning for women. And they have a mission: by speaking openly about their illness, they want to encourage all women to go for breast cancer screening – because it saves lives!

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