WoW Hotfix: January 29 Hotfix (Shaman, PvP)

This Saturday, January 29, 2022, Blizzard released a patch aimed at improving the quality of play for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands players by fixing bugs and other issues present in the game.




  • Fixed several issues related to the chain lightning bonus generated by ride the lightning (PvP Talent):

– The damage inflicted by the chain lightning are now properly increased by Mastery, its bounce distance has been properly increased to 10 yards, and it now also deals 27% more damage. Being silenced no longer prevents this chain lightning bonus to trigger.
– The chain lightning bonus generated by ride the lightning no longer sees its damage increase abnormally for each additional target hit and no longer benefits from techniques affecting chain lightning as Maelstrom Weapon Where Stormbringer.

The January 6 patch for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands fixes bugs and issues created by the deployment of Patch 9.1.5 and Legion Timewalking.

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