You actually have three star signs, here's why

Whether we believe it a little, a lot or not at all, we all know our astrological sign. But surprise! We wouldn't actually have one, but three. We explain how to know your combination of signs.

A priori, everyone knows their sun sign. This is also what is more commonly called "the astrological sign" of a person. But some of us have probably heard "Ah, you're Aries – or your zodiac sign, you get it – it doesn't sound like!" ". This makes sense since in addition to the sign you were born under, we have two other zodiac signs: our ascending and our moon sign, which also define the complexity of our personality. “In astrology, the basis of an astral chart is knowing the sun, the moon and the ascendant. These are the three elements which really determine the personality of the person ”, confides Karine Winsz, astrologer and author of I unfold my potentials with astrology (Leduc editions). In English, they are called "the big three". Want to discover your combination of zodiac signs? It's this way.

What is the role of your sun sign?

In astrology, the sun sign is the best known of all the zodiac signs in a person's birth chart. The sign occupied by the sun at birth is the basic energy, the foundation of the personality, the foundation on which the temperament is built. The Sun gives an idea of ​​our type of reactions in life. “The Sun – the vital energy – that's what you give off at first glance. It is the energy that we show, to which we must strive all our life ", explains Karine Winsz. However, for example, it may be that by being Libra and looking at the typical characteristics of this sign (indecision, elegance, the need for balance, obsession with aesthetics and beauty), you not found there. This is normal since astrology is much more than the sun sign alone.

The ascendant in astrology

The ascendant is in a way your social mask. It determines your appearance, your personality and the way you present yourself to the outside world. This is how you present yourself when people first meet you. "It is an additional notion of the personality which will be added to the energy of the sun to give a nuance", specifies the astrologer. She adds : "The older you get, the stronger your ascendancy will be". In your birth chart, it will be the sign that rose in the east, at the place and time of your birth.

Calculate your ascendant using our tool

The lunar sign

Your moon sign in astrology is representative of your deep inner emotions, things that you hold within you that you may not share with others. "The personal Moon corresponds to the interiority of the individual, to his sensitivity, to his deep needs, some even say that it represents the soul", Karine Winsz tells us. "The Sun is what we will show of ourselves when we meet a person, but it is by deepening the relationships that the lunar part is revealed", she adds. The Moon represents what you cannot express in front of others. This is why some people consider the moon sign to be one of the most important aspects of the birth chart and identify more with their moon sign than with their sun sign or ascendant. “The Moon has enormous power because it's the unconscious, it's what we have in us but which we may not have access to. If we manage to discover the message of our unconscious and our soul, we can give meaning to our life. "

If you don't know your moon sign, you can calculate it using this tool.

As you will have understood, we cannot boil down to a single sign, nor to a single horoscope. Of course, astrology is still so much more complex than these three signs. If this interests you, you can also find out about your astral chart.

Video: These 3 zodiac signs are the most unfaithful in love

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Video by Clemence Chevallet