Your dreams know that about your health

Our dreams not only reflect our thoughts, they can also tell us a lot about our health. Here you can find out what you should pay particular attention to in your dreams in the future.

It is well known that we often process our everyday life in the form of dreams during sleep. But our dreams can do much more: According to dream researcher and psychiatrist Vasily Kassatkin, the body also sends us signals about its condition through them. Indeed an investigation by the expert announced around 85 percent of all cases of illness in dreams. It was either a pain corresponding to the illness or another symptom.

What do our dreams know about diseases?

There are now even scientific studies that tell us which kind of dream could herald which illness. According to one study, frequent nightmares can be a sign of heart disease, for example: If the heart beats irregularly, it worsens the transport of oxygen in the body, which can lead to nightmares. The following connections between health and dreams are also known:

  • Who often wakes up at night through dreams, may be suffering from anxiety or depression. Research shows that affected people enter the dream phase earlier and accordingly dream earlier. In this way, the body stops sleep for earlier – we wake up.
  • Do you often dream that you are being attacked? This is an indication that you feel like you have lost control in a certain area of ​​your life and that you should deal with this area.
  • Particularly vivid dreams can indicate the onset of infections. These can move the beginning of the dream away from the deep sleep phase and instead move it closer to a waking state – which makes the dreams more vivid.

No panic!

Naturally not every dream automatically indicates that something is wrong. Sometimes we also process a past illness or the fear of it in our dreams. But if certain dreams keep coming back, you should think about what their origin might be – and if in doubt, seek medical help.

Video tip: 4 dreams your subconscious wants to warn you with