50-year-old reanimated – heart attack at the wheel: frontal collision in Vienna

Dramatic incident on Sunday afternoon in Favoritenstrasse in Vienna: the driver of a car suffered a heart attack while driving and lost control of the vehicle. The car then crashed head-on into an oncoming car.

According to the police, officers freed the 50-year-old man from the vehicle. Rescue workers from the Viennese professional rescue began with the resuscitation. This should show success, the 50-year-old was hospitalized. The two occupants of the vehicle into which the 50-year-old’s car crashed were slightly injured in the accident. They suffered bruises, the ambulance reported, and were hospitalized. The accident resulted in the Favoritenstraße between Troststraße and Angeligasse being closed for almost two hours. Both cars were totaled.
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