7 foods recommended by a nutritionist to maintain beautiful skin

What to eat to slow down the aging of your skin? The advice of an expert to feed it well and keep it beautiful and young.

The skin beauty does not only depend on the care provided to it, if the epidermis (its outer layer which protects it) fully benefits from creams, the dermis (the deepest layer of the skin) is vascularized and depends on micronutrient intake carried by the blood. Only problem : Our body is unable to produce certain essential molecules (micronutrients) which are essential for cell renewal” as pointed out by Dr Marchaland, micronutritionist doctor at the Valdys Resort Roscoff.

This is why the dermonutrition comes into play, bringing via “a food varied and balanced” all what skin cells need to work well. Protecting the whole organism from oxidative stress, it helps to keep beautiful skin for as long as possible because “the radiance of the skin is a reflection of the functioning of the body” as the expert points out. If the anti-aging effects ofa good diet are interesting after 40, it’s never too early to adopt it: “The earlier the good habits are established, the less the organism will age accelerated”, and the more beautiful skin you will have. Good news, just put on your plate only 7 foods to preserve the youthfulness of your skin.

7 anti-aging foods to eat for beautiful skin

1- Small oily fish (sardines, anchovies, etc.)
Stuffed with omega 3, small fatty fish will come compensate for certain internal imbalances who are “chronic inflammatory factors” for the skin as the nutritionist explains. The omega 3s they provide you with will also contribute to “a better elasticity cutaneous”.

2- Seafood and oysters
They will be consumed mainly for their zinc content, a very important trace element in the synthesis of keratin and collagen which will “strengthen the resistance of fibroblasts to oxidative stress” because it is a “cofactor of one of the most active enzymes in the fight against free radicals”recalls Dr. Marchaland. In short, it will make the cells of the skin more resistant to aging. If you don’t like seafood and oysters, you can also find zinc in brewer’s yeast which is a good source.

3- Borage oil
If we often use vegetable oils as a care to sublimate our skin, some, like borage oil, take care of it from the inside. In this case, it is the “best vegetable source of gamma linolenic acid)” according to the nutritionist, an essential fatty acid which “increases hydrationthe firmness and elasticityskin.

4- Berries (blueberries, blackcurrants, blackberries)
Besides their tangy taste, these berries are also a good source of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant which is a recognized anti-aging active because it has a “essential role in the cellular repair. It helps fight wrinkles, but it is also anti-inflammatory and healing. If you don’t like them, consider consuming grapes which also contain a lot of them. And for gourmets, also know that dark chocolate is a good alternative!

5- All orange fruits and vegetables
Sweet potato, melon, mango… integrating an orange fruit or vegetable on your plate is a good reflex to preserve your skin. Rich in carotenoids (plant pigments that give them their orange hue), it will be able to support the repair and protection of your skin. And if you don’t like any, red tomatoes (which contain lycopene) and some dark green vegetables like “spinach, kale and broccoli” can replace them in your diet.

6- Oilseeds (almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, etc.)
With them, vitamin E is precious for the health and beauty of our skin. This powerful antioxidant offers an action protective and anti-inflammatoryat the skin level. In particular by protecting the membranes of the cells of our skin. If you bet on Brazil nuts which are ultra rich in selenium however, you should not consume more than 2 per day according to the nutritionist because they are enough to meet the daily needs.

7- Parsley, kiwi or bell pepper
It’s up to you to choose your preferred source of vitamin C. This antioxidant that we regularly talk to you about is “most abundant in the skin” as the expert points out. And for good reason, he intervenes in “the synthesis of collagen and helps to regenerate the Vitamin E” (which is protective if you followed well). In other words, this essential vitamin for the beauty of the skin will help us to keep skin young the longest time possible.

The Cretan diet, a good model for having young and beautiful skin

Finally, as summarized by the nutritionist, it is “a Cretan or Mediterranean type diet” that must be adopted. The latter, which favors a varied diet, “as unrefined as possible” and even organic if possible, is “rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, oilseeds, olive oil, rapeseed, camelina, seeds, berries, herbs, small oily fish and green tea”while “limit fast sugars”.
For its effect to be lasting, it must be part of your lifestyle because “some micronutrients are not stored in the body and must be supplied daily”.

The trick in addition to the micronutritionist

don’t neglect your intestines because the intestinal flora “has the property of manufacturing essential elements for the maintenance of healthy skin” such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid. the Dr Marchaland also recommends taking probiotics because it causes “improvement in the quality and appearance of the skin”.

Thanks to Dr Marchaland, nutritionist at Valdys Resort Roscoff.

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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