a cult license is being talked about again, it will make people happy

What if a cult Sony license soon returns to PS5? This big clue discovered online makes you want to believe it for this franchise long gone.

We have always known that it is mainly games that sell consoles. Sony is well aware of this and is going all out to always offer more exclusivity on its machines. Since its release in November 2020, the PS5 has hosted several exclusives from cult licenses such as Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart or the remake of Demons Souls. But despite these cult titles, some franchises are still desired and players do not miss an opportunity to claim their return. Good news, one of them could return to PS5 very soon.

A mythical franchise could be reborn on PS5

We will not talk about action adventure or RPG this time, but about survival horror. Aside from Resident Evil, AAA has been rare in recent years. The real comeback only really started with the release of The Callisto Protocol, followed by the very successful remake of Dead Space. They will soon be succeeded by the great return of Silent Hill, which should chain the projects shortly. But it could well be that another famous franchise will eventually come back from the dead. It is Forbidden Siren, Sony’s license which made its mark in the early 2000s with three quality opuses. While she has been missing for more than 10 years, she could be talked about again since Sony has just registered the brand in Japan, as Renka discovered.

Please note that this does not necessarily mean that a new episode is in development on PS5. It is often a measure taken by a company to prevent a brand name that belongs to it from being used by a third party. On the other hand, there is still reason to hope that a Siren game is in development. Indeed, the franchise of Keiichiro Toyama recently offered a collaboration with Namjatown, a Japanese amusement park. In August, PlayStation also released a remastered version of the Forbidden Siren soundtrack on the occasion of the game’s 20th anniversary. Two long-planned events that had already opened the door to many hopes.

Remake, sequel or nothing at all?

So, is a sequel in the works for PS5? Or should we rather expect a remake of the first episode? Impossible to know at the moment. In any case, whichever option PlayStation chooses, fans would certainly be happy for the franchise to return, 15 years later. Siren: Blood Curse. Remember that the license had made an impression in particular for its Vision mechanics, which allowed you to see through the eyes of Shibitos (creatures) and humans (a mechanic that really scared the crap out of you).

What is certain is that if there is a new opus, it will be done without Keiichiro Toyama, also director of the first Silent Hill, who has since founded the Bokeh Game Studio studio. The company is also working on a survival-horror named Slitterhead for a few years. The title was talked about again last month with a video presenting an alpha version on the studio’s YouTube channel.

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