Airbnb is slow to bring its ads into compliance with the law

Airbnb, the leading platform in France for short-term tourist rental, with more than 40% of the market, is used to taking liberties with French law, when it does not challenge it outright before European justice. . We could have believed that this era is over with the validation, on September 22, 2020, by the Court of Justice of the European Union, of the French regulations, confirmed by the Court of Cassation. But nothing is less certain.

The Californian platform under Irish law had, on February 5 and as a sign of good will, signed with the Minister for Housing, Emmanuelle Wargon, ” a roadmap “ for a “Responsible tourism”. It undertook, among other things, to remove rental announcements without a property registration number from its site, in other words to finally comply with the law, four years after its entry into force, in particular in Paris.

Such a number is essential to distinguish owners who occasionally rent out their main residence, within the limit of 120 days per year, from professionals and multi-tenant investors who must, for their part, submit to completely different commercial activity regulations. The platform is very slowly coming into compliance, on a schedule that it seems to want to be alone to decide.

10,000 advertisements suddenly withdrawn in Paris

The law for a digital Republic of October 7, 2016, and its decree of April 28, 2017 make it compulsory, in cities that have chosen it, to display the registration number that they issue for each rental accommodation. , under penalty of a maximum fine of 12,500 euros per violation found. From the 1er December 2017, Paris and Nice have chosen to establish this prior declaration, and many other municipalities have followed their example: Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Lille, Biarritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) and the surrounding municipalities, as well than twelve municipalities in the western suburbs of Paris (Neuilly, Versailles, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Meudon, etc.). Before Marseille, the 1er October. “The list is growing every day and today counts more than 300 municipalities”, welcomes Vincent Aulnay, of the Paris vs Bnb residents’ collective.

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Airbnb only ran on 1er July for its announcements from the capital and withdrew 10,000 at once, their number suddenly dropping from 60,000 to 50,000, a fall of 17%. It is the Parisian Urban Planning Workshop which calculated this figure, Airbnb refusing to communicate its own data.

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