an actress comes out non-binary

/ Culture / TV / Grey's Anatomy: an actress comes out non-binary

Sara Ramirez, who played Callie Torres in the series, posted a photo of herself on Instagram to reveal her identity or non-identity.

by Celine Peschard

Key figure in the Grey's Anatomy series, actress Sara Ramirez aka Callie Torres, doctor at Seattle Grace Hospital, has been revealed to be a non-binary person.

In 2016, she had already come out bisexual, during the LGBTQI + 40 to None summit, organized by the association True Colors Fund, by singer Cyndi Lauper. The actress had declared: "Many of our young people who live on the streets are young people whose lives have many crossroads – whether it is a search for identity, their origin, their social class, their sexual orientation, their religion. , of their citizenship. And because many of these branches exist in my life: I am a woman, of many origins, a woman of color, queer, bisexual, Mexican-Irish-American, immigrant, educated by very Catholic Mexican and Irish families, I m '' invested in projects that make it possible to hear the voice of young people and that support them. "

Today Sara Ramirez posted a photo of herself with this caption: "I have the capacity within me to be an effeminate boy, an androgynous girl, a masculine boy, all of those gender expressions at once or none at all."

In his bio Twitter, Sara Ramirez has now entered: "non-binary human". The latter specifies that we can speak of her with the pronouns "elle" and "iel" (they in English), a neutral pronoun used by non-binary and transgender people.

Overview of tributes to LGBT + people

Video by Loïcia Fouillen