and if you tested lithotherapy to increase your desire?


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Four stones in particular would boost his libido.

Have you been so tired lately, so stressed from work or so depressed by winter which is approaching more and more that you have no libido at all? Have you tried everything to increase your sexual desire, but nothing helps? Try the lithotherapy method. This ancestral technique uses the properties and energy of stones and crystals to treat physical and psychological ailments. In addition to calming anxiety, reducing certain muscle and bone pain, the stones would also stimulate sexual desire and improve relationships with your partner.

In order for them to work, stones can be used in different ways: you can have them near you on a daily basis, in jewelry for example or in your pocket, put them on your bedside table or on your bed or even on the chakra sacred linked to sensuality and sexuality, or on the area between the pubis and the navel. If there is a multitude of stones and crystals in lithotherapy, five in particular would cause increased desire.

Stimulate sexual energies

To boost your libido, you should favor Breschia jasper, sunstone, citrine, carnelian and garnet, according to Morgane Jorge, creator of the lithotherapy brand Stones Club, interviewed by She. And each of the stones has its own energy and a specific function. For example, Breschia jasper, that bright red crystal, is a “stone of vitality and anchoring”, indicates the women’s magazine. His energy will thus make it possible to rekindle desire. Carnelian is used to rebalance the body and your privacy. It will stimulate the sexual energies and the female organs.

If you don’t feel like you’re connected enough to your partner anymore, garnet is the perfect stone. She “revives passions, strengthens intimate ties” while stimulating creativity, precise She. As the name suggests, sunstone helps shine. It acts directly on your well-being, allows you to free yourself, to have more confidence in yourself and therefore in your desires. Finally, to fight against fatigue, opt for citrine, which will activate your energy and your desires.

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