Astrology: 3 rituals for the penumbral lunar eclipse and which ones you should rather avoid

3 rituals for the penumbral lunar eclipse on May 5th and which ones you should rather avoid

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Astrologically speaking, the time of the eclipses is a particularly disturbing one. You can read here how you can deal with it and which rituals will help you during the penumbral lunar eclipse.

We are currently in a time of darkness. The current lunar cycle began on April 20 with a solar eclipse at the new moon, followed by a lunar eclipse at the full moon. This is also the case next Friday, May 5th. Strictly speaking, it is a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Penumbral lunar eclipse – what does that mean?

Eclipses occur twice a year. The sun, earth and moon are exactly in one line. During a solar eclipse, the shadow of the moon falls on the earth, while during a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth falls on the moon because it is exactly between the moon and the sun and so some of the sunlight is blocked.

If the celestial bodies are only approximately in a line, the moon only wanders through the outer, lighter part of the earth’s shadow. Then one speaks of one Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. That means the entire visible lunar surface remains exposed to some proportion of direct solar radiation and does not completely darken. This is exactly what happens on May 5th. Therefore, you have to look closely to see the greyish shadow on the moon. Depending on the location, this can be observed from 8:30 p.m. The spectacle lasts about half an hour, after which the full moon shines again in all its glory.

Eclipses – time for change

From an astrological point of view, eclipses are always Times of great turmoil and changethat the universe has in store for us. Since lunar and solar eclipses are always created together, the energies also have an effect over the entire lunar cycle. We feel that – emotionally, mentally, but also physically, by noticing that we are not quite in our true strength. These phases can be challenging and exhausting. These upheavals usually take place inside us, in the unconscious, and only become visible on the outside with some distance.

Changes are important and accompany us throughout our lives, but they are not always associated with lightness and joy. We often have to leave something behind in order to grow and initiate new things we do not always agree with the universe, which takes the lead during eclipses and creates the future. At the same time, the penumbral lunar eclipse is in the zodiac sign Scorpio, so that despite the burgeoning spring we can once again travel into our darkest depths and let go of everything that prevents us from growing. Everything that has been hidden for a long time now wants to be looked at lovingly so that it can go. That can be very upsetting.

Rituals for the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse


Instead of actively changing something in your life (such as through a manifestation), you can now sit back. The universe does that for you. But with the full moon in Scorpio, you can now deal with everything heavy and dark that may have been emotionally burdening you in the last few weeks and that is urging to be looked at in order to be able to heal. A diary becomes your most important companion. But conversations with your best friend also help with sorting and classification.

Questions you can ask yourself are:

  • Have you let your negative feelings guide you?
  • Do you live your life in gratitude for what you have, or do you focus on what you don’t have?
  • What memories trigger negative feelings and why?
  • What can you do to let go and heal?
  • Am I at peace with myself or am I lying to myself?

Into the nature

Spending time in nature helps to ground yourself and bring clarity to your thoughts. A long walk alone, in pairs or with a walking meditation is particularly good now when the inside is so turbulent.

lay tarot cards

There are some things you don’t like to dare to do unless you’re forced to deal with them. Tarot cards can be the stumbling block to deal with certain questions and then finally let them go. If you need support for this, get your dearest friend to help you.

Crystals and Co. – You should rather avoid these rituals

Normally, full moons are the ideal time to take in their light crystals charge. However, this does not apply to eclipses. As already explained, they hold upheavals and changes. A lot is faltering. We don’t want to store this energy in crystals.

That too Manifest it’s difficult for us all month, sometimes it doesn’t work at all. This is because during eclipses the precious energies are blocked and we cannot work with them. So let the universe take the reins now and manifest at a more opportune time.

Sources: Lori Haberkorn “The Golden Magic of the Moon”,


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