Baby photo ideas for Christmas

Christmas is THE season for celebrations and family reunions par excellence. Often the first baby meeting with some family members who live a bit far away and also the first baby face to face with Christmas lights and twinkles.

To leave nothing to chance and because a first Christmas only arrives, by definition, once in a lifetime, here is pictures of babies. Adorable photographs, which not only may make you crack but above all which will give you ideas and inspire you. It’s up to you to keep fabulous photographic memories baby’s first Christmas!

Plan a well-heated room, a few accessories … your baby’s adorable face and cute chewy body should do the rest.

Be careful of security though. The garlands are electric so we don’t let baby put them in their mouths. We make sure that the balls are plastic because there are still glass balls and they present a danger for the baby.

Zoom in on baby photo ideas for Christmas.

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What gift for his first Christmas?

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