Back to basics

It is high time for me to dare to venture!
Impossible to decline this sacred opportunity, especially since my relatives did not provide cancellation insurance. They who have never shone with their generosity, took especially to heart to contribute to offer me this precious escape.
I still see the head of my manager when he was told my unpaid leave "the moment is particularly badly chosen, the decision may harm performance …".
Even if I leave them in an uncomfortable situation, it's odd, but I don't feel any guilt! After years of toil without a meaningful vacation, I won't apologize for finally getting some rest!
The term low cost defines the company wonderfully. The services are quite basic, even optional. The ventilation system struggles to do its job. The walls of the fuselage very close together, give the impression of a cell. It doesn't feel good to be claustrophobic! But whatever, the main thing for me is getting to the finish point. You have to know how to accept a few sacrifices sometimes, and that's so little in proportion to what awaits me there.
The destination is truly out of the ordinary and remains little known to the general public. Indeed, it is not easy to penetrate this territory: many criteria and authorizations are part of a long and tedious process. But the game is infinitely worth the candle: a change of scenery, beauty, fertile lands stripped of all pollution. A rare luminosity that stirs the best of us.
This country is home to a community refocused on the essentials, for which the good is important while keeping the material at bay. A united, peaceful people, who welcome you in the simplest device.
Rumor has it that after tasting the magic of their idyllic gardens, you can't go back to your everyday life!
Now the horizon is changing, the atmosphere is warming up and suddenly a dense forest of clouds obscures the view. Around me the bursts of voices fell silent. There is then a strange and very confusing atmosphere.
Then gradually, the future clears up, the sky reappears with an intense azure.
Ah! my world before seems so far away …
The more the journey progresses, the more I feel elevated, which gives me genuine relief. Free from the strong nets of gravity, I enjoy deep freedom.
Finally, the long-awaited place appears before me. No words, to describe all the quintessence of this moment …

Alice grabs the ballot box.
"I am sure she will appreciate that her ashes are scattered here on this unspoiled land! Cries the daughter of the deceased. Then, her voice full of sobs, she adds:
"Rest in peace in the Garden of Eden mom, after your long journey you have deserved it! ".