Beware of the risk of slipping: This trick helps push the pushchair: inside

Stroller lifehack
With this trick, you can drive over the black ice

When there is black ice, even the smallest hill can be an absolute ordeal.


In January 2022 will bring cold and black ice again. With a stroller in particular, things can quickly get tricky if the wheels and feet suddenly slip. In the RTL video you can find out how the ride with the stroller goes well despite black ice.

When the streets and sidewalks are slippery, every step is dangerous. Even for normal pedestrians: inside who just want to get to their destination, every walk to the front door is quickly a slide. If you then have to push a stroller in front of you, it is twice as difficult.

Stroller Lifehack: This is how you avoid unnecessary falls

Of course, if it is slippery in front of your front door, it is best to avoid unnecessary steps outside. But parents do not always have this luxury – in these cases you should use the trick that TV station RTL shows you in the video. So you won’t fall down anymore and can protect your little ones as best as possible.

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