Caren Miosga starts in the first: CDU leader Friedrich Merz is a guest in the first issue

Caren Miosga starts in the first
CDU leader Friedrich Merz is a guest in the first edition

Friedrich Merz will answer questions from Caren Miosga on Sunday evening.

© NDR/Philipp Rathmer/Fritz Gnad/L/penofoto/

Caren Miosga welcomes Friedrich Merz to the studio at the start of her new political talk. The content should be about the realignment of the CDU.

Comes next Sunday Caren Miosga (54) succeeds Anne Will (57) in the first. The long-standing “Tagesthemen” presenter’s first discussion guests have now been announced. In her newly designed studio in Berlin-Adlershof, Miosga will welcome, among others, CDU leader Friedrich Merz (68). The content will be about the realignment of the People’s Party, as NDR announced before the broadcast began.

Start of “Caren Miosga” in the first

The topic of the premiere edition of the political talk is therefore: “Merz is realigning the CDU – will Germany’s future be conservative?”. In addition to Friedrich Merz, the journalist Anne Hähnig and the sociologist Armin Nassehi (63) are also expected in the studio. “Germany is at the beginning of a turbulent year. We want to question and better understand what is currently happening politically, economically and socially,” explained the moderator in advance.

The CDU is about to adopt a new basic program that, among other things, envisages serious changes to asylum policy. In addition, the party should focus more on conservative values ​​again. Miosga would also like to ask Friedrich Merz about how the CDU wants to differentiate itself from the AfD before the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg in September.

With her new talk “Caren Miosga”, the host is replacing the successful format “Anne Will”. On 30 Sundays a year, the established time slot at 9:45 p.m. will be used to discuss a current topic of the week. The program will then be available in the ARD media library.


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