Clean chanterelles properly: save work with grandpa’s flour trick

Clean chanterelles
They get really clean with Grandpa’s flour trick

Chanterelles are in high season during the summer months.

Chanterelles are in high season between late June and mid-October. The taste of mushrooms is loved by many, but cleaning is one of the unpopular kitchen chores. With a clever trick, the chanterelles are clean and sand-free in no time.

Chanterelles are among the most popular types of mushrooms in Germany. But as much as we are enchanted by the scent and taste of the forest plants, it is all the more annoying when they are not washed well enough and when we eat, this literally makes us gnash our teeth. You can easily avoid this with a simple trick.

Grandpa’s flour trick: this is how the enjoyment of chanterelles is guaranteed to be sand-free

The best part about this snazzy lifehack is that it doesn’t require any special items or ingredients. All you need for a sand-free preparation of chanterelles is: a freezer bag or bowl, water and some flour. In the video you will learn what to do and why grandpa’s flour trick works so well.

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