Corona current: 900 people in quarantine after the party

Another corona mass outbreak occurred after a family celebration. There are now around 900 people in quarantine in the Bielefeld area.

With the first looseness, they literally let the covers fall – at least in the facial region. People celebrate again, sometimes with a mask, sometimes without. The coronavirus has by no means disappeared.

This is shown by the current infection figures worldwide. And you don't even have to look far away: On September 26, the highest number of cases since April was reported in Germany with over 2,500 infected people. And over the weekend, health authorities worked at full speed to send the next suspected cases to quarantine – because his corona outbreak had previously occurred at a celebration in North Rhine-Westphalia.

900 people in corona quarantine

After a private family celebration in Bielefeld, 36 people are said to have been infected with the corona virus, according to the Bild newspaper, among others. In the course of the search for contact persons, however, the group of suspicious people increased rapidly: almost 900 people are now under quarantine, as the city reports.

The outbreak at the celebration thus attracts large circles. Several schools in the district are also said to have been informed and precautionary measures taken.

Recent breakouts at weddings and private parties

It's not the only event that has corona outbreaks. Increasing cases are repeatedly associated with private celebrations, recently around 150 people were infected at a wedding in Hamm.

Now politicians nationwide are again discussing uniform restrictions on the number of participants in private and public events. So far, the limits differ greatly depending on the federal state, while Berlin even wants to allow private celebrations indoors with up to 1,000 participants again from October, the maximum limit in Lower Saxony is just 50 people.

Even if the measures to contain the corona crisis are decided nationwide, each individual can do something for the safety of everyone: By adhering to the distance and hygiene rules and still being careful at events. Because only through common prudence can such outbreaks be prevented in the future. So – let's stay patient and rather practice looking forward to the celebrations that can be made up for in safer times.

Sources used: RKI, WDR, Tagesschau, Bild