Criminal wanted – Unknown stole purse in shopping center

A previously unknown perpetrator is suspected of having stolen a purse from a 38-year-old in a shopping center in Bad Radkersburg and withdrawing money with the ATM card. The damage is in the low four-digit euro range. The incident happened back on Monday, December 27th.

The unknown perpetrator is said to have stolen a purse from a 38-year-old from the district of Southeast Styria on Monday, December 27, 2021, between 11:30 a.m. and 11:25 p.m. Around midnight, he used his ATM card to withdraw money four times from an ATM in Bad Radkersburg. The stranger was recorded by a surveillance camera. The images were sent out by the police for publication. In addition to the clothes shown in the photo, he was wearing black sweatpants, white sneakers and white socks
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