Dark circles: tips against dark shadows

eye bags
Tips against the dark shadows

Drew Barrymore also struggles with dark circles.

© Dennis Van Tine / starmaxinc.com / ImageCollect

Anyone who is tired, overworked or stressed has to struggle with them: This helps against dark circles.

Actually everyone has had them before, some of us suffer from them permanently: We're talking about dark circles. With the dark shadows under our eyes, we appear tired, stressed and lacking in energy. But there are a few tips that we can use to regain our alert eyes.

Cause research: This is how dark circles develop

First of all, what is the cause of dark circles? The skin around the eyes is very thin and has little sub-fatty tissue, instead there are lots of blood vessels under it. If factors such as stress or lack of fluids affect the body, the oxygen concentration in the blood drops. The result: it flows more slowly through the veins and turns dark. As the vessels shimmer through the thin skin, the appearance of bluish shadows under the eyes arises.

Proper nutrition is essential

An obvious but very effective remedy for dark circles is a healthy lifestyle. On the one hand, this includes enough sleep: the body needs around seven to eight hours for optimal recovery. On the other hand, a healthy diet is the be-all and end-all. Even if many people often resort to ready meals because of home office or homeschooling, fast food and snacks should not become the rule. Because they contain a lot of salt, which favors the accumulation of body fluids in the tissue and thus can cause dark circles and bags under the eyes. Instead, foods that contain iron and zinc, such as whole grains, oatmeal, green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts, should be on the menu.

Cold whips up the metabolism

If you want to combat dark circles and puffiness, you should rely on the cold. It increases the metabolism (which usually slows down at night) and causes the blood vessels to contract. For example, you can put two spoons in the freezer and then press them onto your eyes. Alternatively, cold cucumber slices can also be used. By the way: a walk in the fresh air also promotes blood circulation and ensures an alert look.

Massage can work wonders

Massage away dark circles? That's working! A massage stimulates the lymph flow and promotes blood circulation. The only important thing is that you proceed carefully. Place a finger on the cheekbone and massage, starting from the outside, inwards towards the nose. If you want, you can also put some almond oil on your finger. It contains valuable vitamins A and E and provides the sensitive eye area with valuable nutrients. Instead of almond oil, you can also pat in a nourishing eye cream.

Coffee paste has a firming effect

Caffeine is also a proven remedy for dark circles. Creams and care products enriched with caffeine stimulate blood circulation, constrict the capillaries and have a skin-tightening effect. However, you do not necessarily have to invest in cosmetics to get a keen eye, you can also rely on home remedies. All you have to do is mix a small amount of coffee powder with water and apply the mixture to the dark circles. Then leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with water. An even better effect can be achieved if the coffee paste is placed in the refrigerator before application.

Concealer yes, but the right tone please

When things have to go quickly, liquid concealer is the ideal beauty product for dark circles. This should be one or two shades lighter than your own skin tone, so the eye area looks particularly fresh and radiant. For extremely dark shadows under the eyes, you should apply a corrector before the concealer, as this usually has a higher coverage. Blue circles under the eyes are best corrected with a pink corrector, purple with an orange corrector. Redness can be neutralized with a green corrector.

Actress Drew Barrymore (45, "Mitten ins Herz – Ein Song für Dich") also struggles with dark circles and presents pigmented eye creams on Instagram. "The trick against dark circles is a pigmented eye cream. Transparent creams don't always work. White or pink tinted ones, on the other hand, work better," said the Hollywood star.
