Demand from Russia – Cassis: “One must not let oneself be put under pressure” – News

Russia wants to know Switzerland’s position on security in Europe and on NATO’s eastward expansion. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sent a letter to Federal President Ignazio Cassis on Friday. The foreign department is now clarifying the questions.

That’s in the letter

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In the letter, Lavrov explained Russia’s ideas about a European security order. On Friday, Russia and China released a statement in which the countries called for an end to eastward enlargement and a waiver of Ukraine’s inclusion in the military alliance.

Lavrov then sent a letter to the foreign ministers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Switzerland is a member of the OSCE. In the letter, Lavrov urges foreign ministers to provide answers to Moscow’s questions about security in Europe. They should explain how the principle of “indivisible security” should be guaranteed in Europe. What is meant by this is that the security of one country must not be guaranteed at the expense of the interests of another state.

In the “Samstagsrundschau” of Radio SRF, Federal President Ignazio Cassis took a position on Russia’s demands for the first time. “These initiatives by the USA and Russia, which allow the other countries to position themselves, are part of it.”

Switzerland relies on dialogue

A great deal of tension can currently be observed over the sovereignty of interpretation of the safety regulations in Europe. However, this task belongs to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, or OSCE for short, of which Switzerland is also a member. “They have to determine the interpretation of the security regulations, not the USA, Russia or other countries,” says Cassis.

Don’t overdramatize the whole thing.

The Federal President emphasizes that one should not panic because of such demands. “You shouldn’t let a letter like that put you under pressure. That’s courant normale in diplomacy.” Russia will be answered individually that it is a question of interpretation and a matter for the OSCE. And that Switzerland is also ready to conduct the dialogue within the organization.


A picture with a lot of symbolic character: Russia demands answers to security questions from Switzerland.

key stone

Lavrov demands that Switzerland take a position. So is the Russian foreign minister forcing Switzerland to scratch its neutrality? “There is no coercion between states unless one is in a state of war. Luckily we don’t have that today. Don’t overdramatize the whole thing.” The geopolitical environment in Europe is currently very tense. Switzerland is concerned about this and is committed. “I was in Berlin, Vienna and Geneva to ensure that there was enough dialogue.”

“It’s exactly what we want to avoid”

The states would quarrel with each other; now the time of diplomacy is crucial, according to Cassis. Switzerland is active in this diplomacy. “I have deposited an action plan for Switzerland with the OSCE. The OSCE was very satisfied and requested that we send this action plan to all members of the organization.” Switzerland will also take part in the upcoming Munich Security Conference.

So diplomacy is the Swiss motto. But what if there were actually a Russian invasion of Ukraine? How would Switzerland react to a Russian invasion? “One should not talk about such hypotheses at the moment. It’s exactly what we want to avoid,” explains Ignazio Cassis.

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