Downsizing: Matt Damon wants to save the world as a mini-human

In "Downsizing" Matt Damon hopes for a better life than a tiny one. Can the actor convince even in shrunken size?

Matt Damon (49, "Jason Bourne") voluntarily becomes a tiny one. In the film "Downsizing" (2017), the actor shrinks to a height of around twelve centimeters. He hopes to save the earth and live a happier life. Whether he succeeds can now be seen on German television. "Downsizing" celebrates free TV premiere on Sunday (July 12th) (8:15 pm, Sat.1). Is it worth turning on?

That's what downsizing is all about

Earth's resources are running out. To solve the problem of overpopulation, Norwegian scientists have developed a method by which they can shrink people. After all, a 12 centimeter small person uses less water, air and food than a tall one. Hoping for a happier and financially secure life in a better world, Paul Safranek (Matt Damon) and his wife Audrey (Kristen Wiig) decide to seek happiness in a new "shrunken" community. A decision that offers a life-changing adventure …

Saving the world happily as a mini human?

"Downsizing" combines different topics. On the one hand it's about overpopulation and environmental protection, on the other hand it's about self-discovery, friendship and love. And because you can achieve great things even on a small scale. It is not the first time that a film has dealt with the shrinking of people. In "Downsizing" this is done under the guise of the well-being of mankind and to save the planet.

Matt Damon's character, in turn, initially hopes to be able to offer himself and his wife a better and more comfortable life as a small person. Shrinking exponentially increases their wealth and possessions. Suddenly they can afford luxury goods. But will they be happier?

The highlights of the film include preparations for shrinking and the process itself. A Matt Damon must also leave hair. Scenes in which small and large people meet are particularly well done. The size differences are very entertaining. As soon as the viewer has completely arrived in the shrunken world, the differences are only sporadic, which is a shame. You could have played a little longer with that.

Christoph Waltz (63, "Inglourious Basterds") and Hong Chau (* 1979) take the reins in the miniature world. Both make for a lot of laughs and present Matt Damon's figure different perspectives on his new life as a mini-human. Waltz's Russian character loves the wealth that shrinkage has given him and celebrates it with rush. Hong Chau's figure again reveals that there is a gap between rich and poor in the mini-world too, but that charity should also be a priority here.


"Downsizing" is entertaining, but wants something too much. Overpopulation and climate change are more relevant than ever, but too many issues are being touched upon. Because in the course of the plot there is still a hint of social drama and a love story. Sometimes less is known to be more. Something everyone can ask, especially in the current situation: How far would I go myself to save the world? And what do I do myself to protect the earth? You don't have to be a tiny one for that.
