Eckart von Hirschhausen: New ARD program starts in July

Eckhart von Hirschhausen
New ARD program starts in July

In “Team Hirschhausen! Simply live better” Eckart von Hirschhausen and a prominent team get to the bottom of real-life topics.

© ARD/WDR/Ansager&Schnipselmann

In the summer, Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen with his new program at the start. The ARD has now announced the start date.

dr Eckart von Hirschhausen (54) comes to afternoon television with a new show. As the ARD has now announced, “Team Hirschhausen! Simply live better” will start on July 25th and will then be broadcast on weekdays at 3:10 p.m. The first season consists of 15 episodes of 50 minutes each and will be broadcast on the first.

“Team Hirschhausen” gets to the bottom of various topics

In the show, the doctor, moderator and science journalist gets to the bottom of various realistic and socially relevant topics together with a prominent panel. “‘Team Hirschhausen’ is a mixture of health topics, afternoon talk and entertaining, interactive elements,” describes von Hirschhausen.

Among other things, the doctor Dr. Yael Adler (48) answers medical questions during a regular consultation. ARD weather expert Sven Plöger (55) supports the host when it comes to environmental and climate issues. Professional chef Philipp Zitterbart, science reporter Katharina Adick and 86-year-old Johanna Höfel complete the “Team Hirschhausen”.


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