EDF: new revolving credit of 1.5 billion euros – 12/27/2021 at 10:20 a.m.


(CercleFinance.com) – EDF announces the successful syndication of a new revolving credit facility of 1.5 billion euros with an initial maturity of three years, the cost of which will be indexed to four Group ESG performance indicators, and particularly under the angle of its social responsibility.

“This new line of credit, in which 9 European and North American relational banks participate, reaffirms the central role of sustainable finance tools in EDF’s financing strategy,” indicates the group.

EDF now has 9.1 billion ESG-indexed credit facilities at the end of 2021, i.e. more than 75% of its credit lines, and an ambition to reach 100% in the years to come.


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