Energy prices – “Must end dependency on oil and gas”

The rising energy costs mean that many people in Austria are worried about winter. In Vorarlberg the situation is not yet so dramatic due to the moderate pricing policy of Illwerke VKW, but that could change. Renewable energy sources are the solution for Energy State Councilor Johannes Rauch.

He is well aware that the disproportionately higher energy prices are a challenge, especially for low-income households, stresses Rauch. At the same time, however, he points out that the prices in Vorarlberg have by no means gotten out of hand: the price of electricity is currently only slightly above the level of ten years ago and the price of natural gas is at a value that was already paid 15 years ago. This is not least due to the state energy supplier: In April, when procurement costs were low, the illwerke VKW cut gas prices. No price increases are planned for the winter either. In spring at the latest, however, a significant increase is to be expected – especially since it cannot be assumed that world market prices will collapse, which also means that energy prices in Vorarlberg have been relatively low for years – these times are likely to be over. Various subsidies Ultimately, according to Rauch, the goal must be to free oneself from dependence on oil and gas imports. In this context, he emphasizes that “households that are already heating with renewable energy sources today are far less affected by the current price trend “. The state and federal government have already launched various funding programs to support citizens in converting to alternative heating systems (heat pumps, pellets, etc.).
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