Europeans 2024: Macron will choose Valérie Hayer as head of the list-La Tribune

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PARIS (Reuters) – Emmanuel Macron has made his choice for the European elections and should designate MEP Valérie Hayer as head of the presidential camp list in the coming days, writes La Tribune Dimanche in an article published on Saturday, without citing a source .

At 37, MEP Renaissance became president of the Renew group in the European Parliament in January, replacing Stéphane Séjourné, who was appointed Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

According to La Tribune Dimanche, Emmanuel Macron informed the president of MoDem, François Bayrou, of his choice last Tuesday and should formally announce it to Édouard Philippe, head of the Horizons party, next week.

Little known to the general public, Valérie Hayer is the daughter of farmers from Saint-Denis-d’Anjou (Mayenne), a fact which, according to La Tribune, would have worked in her favor while agricultural anger fuels anti-European discourse.

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The presidential camp, which has chosen “Need for Europe” as its slogan, will launch its campaign for the European elections on March 9 in Lille (North).

(Written by Kate Entringer)


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