Flat stomach: what to eat in the morning to limit abdominal fat? : Current Woman Le MAG

Belly fat: where does it come from?

To try to find a flat stomach, it is essential to understand where does abdominal fat come from. Indeed, by identifying the source of the problem, it is easier to define objectives to obtain results that suit you.

The causes of the accumulation of this fat can be numerous: poor diet, nutritional balance, a lack of physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of sleep, excess stress or even some hormonal disturbances. In general, the culprit is simply poor lifestyle.

When fat accumulates, it loses its protective function and can cause health problems such as diabetes, cholesterol, cardiovascular disease or hypertension. It therefore becomes crucial to avoid accumulating this type of fat. Regular exercise and a good diet go a long way in preventing it. Some good tips can also help you lose some belly fat.

What should you drink in the morning for breakfast to lose belly fat?

Your breakfast should be healthy, nourishing and balanced. This allows you to enjoy a feeling of satiety in the long term andavoid snacking. The objective is therefore to provide your body with the nutrients necessary to stimulate your metabolism. As for drinks, it is often recommended to start your day with a glass of water. Indeed, after a full night without drinking, it is important to give your body something to hydrate. While a glass of water first thing in the morning may seem harsh to some, alternatives exist. It is possible to add a squeeze of lemon.

Please note, this addition is not recommended for people sensitive to gastroesophageal reflux. Then, for breakfast, it is entirely possible to choose a hot drink. Just be careful not to add sugar to it.

Green tea is an ideal drink because it is recognized as a metabolism accelerator promoting the elimination of fats. Some recommend taking the drink at the end of the meal to speed up the breakdown of ingested food.

What should you eat in the morning for breakfast to lose belly fat?

In the morning, it is recommended to give the body approximately 20-25% of our daily energy intake., with optimal distribution. In other words, it is interesting to select quality nutrients. For carbohydrateswe will rather choose complex carbohydrates, often providing more fiber. explains Ludivine Delannoy, dietician and nutritionist. These allow us to be satisfied for the morning. If you want a slice of bread, the ideal is to opt for wholemeal or cereal (spelt, buckwheat, etc.).

Very fashionable on social networks, bowls of oatmeal are an excellent source of fiber. For the preparation, nothing could be simpler, mix oat flakes with a little milk, cow’s or vegetable according to your preferences. Add fruit, nuts or a square of dark chocolate. A spin in the microwave and that’s it! Just be careful not to add too much sugar to avoid blood sugar spikes, which are responsible for long-term fat storage.

It is possible to eat fruit at breakfast. An apple, for example, allows you to stock up on the vitamins and antioxidants your body needs. “The fruit is more interesting if it is consumed whole: fruit juices, jams and industrial compotes often contain too much sugar, and their quantity of fiber is much less interesting!” indicates the specialist.

Add protein to your breakfast is the guarantee of not being hungry before lunchtime. They also allowmaintain muscle mass in your body. This helps, in the long term, to increase your basal metabolism: you will thus burn more calories at rest. Finally, proteins help stabilize blood sugar levels. Egg, chicken, turkey breast… There are numerous sources of protein.

Finally, we must not forget the lipids. They correspond to the fat intake for our body. These can be nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable oils, quality butters. They are essential for the proper functioning of our body.

All that remains is to choose the breakfast that suits you best. The main thing is to always make sure to consume proteins, fiber-rich carbohydrates and fats, without forgetting to drink regularly. “A savory breakfast is ideal, but nothing prevents you from opting for a meal with a sweet taste, optimizing the fiber intake which will avoid variations in blood sugar levels in the morning. It is these variations which are responsible for by the secretion of insulin, the storage of fats in the body” concludes the nutritionist. She keeps : “The main thing is to keep the pleasure of a good meal at the start of the day!”

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