foods to avoid during the heat wave according to nutritionists

In this period of heat wave, nutrition experts recommend changing our habits at breakfast to help our body cope with high heat. Here’s what to avoid eating in the morning at all costs and alternatives to your favorite foods.

If the composition of breakfast is to be monitored throughout the year to fill up with energy in the morning while avoiding weight gain, it becomes even more important to ban certain foods from the breakfast table when it’s hot. Thanks to nutritionistswe now know what foods to eat in moderation when it is hot at lunch and dinner and that we should not abuse certain summer fruits to avoid digestive problems, but we are often left at a loss when it comes to make a choice when having breakfast.

Nutritionist dieticians interviewed by Madame Figaro help us to see things more clearly by explaining to us which drinks should be avoided in the morning and which foods should be favored when it is hot for breakfast, as well as those which should be avoided in the morning in case of strong heat or heat wave.

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Heat wave: what not to drink for breakfast

Bad news for those who need their dose of caffeine or theine when they wake up, these energizing drinks should be banned from breakfast when it’s hot because they are diuretic. “They make you want to go to the toilet and promote dehydration” warns, in fact, Chloé Thomas, dietitian nutritionist. And don’t think of replacing your cup of coffee or tea with a refreshing fruit juice either because they are too sweet and promote dehydration. Your only options? Water of course, but also milk, which we think less of, is an even more hydrating drink than water. It turns out to be a perfect alternative to fruit juice and coffee for breakfast.

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What to eat for breakfast in hot weather?

Are you wondering whether or not you can continue to eat your favorite slice of bread or your favorite pastries in the morning? Again, nutritionists are formal: this is not the best option to start facing a hot day. Often very greasy, pastries “require a lot of effort from the body” to be digested, as nutritionist Sarah Chaignaud explains, before adding that “this work of digestion will increase the temperature of the organism”. Ditto for bread, cakes and cereals which are also very high in sugar. “Sugars provide unnecessary calories, promote dehydration and are also difficult to digest” warns the nutritionist, so they also raise our body temperature.

Instead, opt for dairy products and fruits to fill you up while hydrating yourself. “White cheeses and natural yoghurts are made up of 90% water, like fruit” recalls Chloe Thomas. Fresh fruit and fruit compotes, also rich in water, are also perfectly suitable foods for a smart breakfast in the event of a heat wave according to nutritionists.

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