Harassment at work particularly affects the Banking and Insurance sector

It is the managers of Banking and Insurance, at 35%, who suffer the main inconveniences. stock.adobe.com

According to an Ipsos barometer, employees in this area experience more harassment from their managers, colleagues or customers.

If harassment at work affects almost all sectors, that of Banking and Insurance is particularly affected. Pressure, relational or sexual harassment… this area gives rise to many problematic situations. This is revealed by an Ipsos barometer for Qualisocial, published last September.

Thus, 43% of employees in Banking and Insurance claim to be victims of harassment, i.e. 32% more than the general population. If there are more assaults, there are also more perpetrators of harassing behavior. In this area, more than one employee in five is affected in this way. A third of their harassment takes place online, compared to 15% in other sectors. One out of two victims is a woman, while they represent only 38% of cases in the general population.

In detail, it is the managers of Banking and Insurance, at 35%, who suffer the main inconveniences. Typically, harassment and/or disrespect comes from a direct supervisor, coworker, or even customers. However, the sector is showing signs of reactivity. When the employer is informed of the situation, he reacts better, according to 84% of the actors, against 59% in the other areas.

In its barometer, Ipsos also identifies solutions to reduce workplace harassment. Among the avenues, there is, among other things, the training of managers at the highest level, raising awareness of all or even the establishment in the company of a reporting system with psychological support.

SEE ALSO – Noël Le Graët: the Paris prosecutor’s office opens an investigation for moral and sexual harassment

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