Herbert Grönemeyer: In his eyes this could save the cultural scene

Herbert Grönemeyer believes that there are enough wealthy private individuals who could easily help the cultural industry in these difficult times.

Not systemically relevant – with this tough stamp, the entire cultural scene in Germany sees itself branded again in the second Corona lockdown. Musician Herbert Grönemeyer (64) cannot share this assessment at all when he says in an interview with "Die Zeit": "Culture supports people in their despair, sadness, in their lust, joy, their laughter, their courage and their confidence . (…) A country without such an immediate live culture gives and opens the space for idiocy, crude and brutal theories and runs the risk of gradually becoming desouled. " To prevent this from happening, he appeals to the richest citizens of the Federal Republic and asks for help.

"Wouldn't the time be right for a special solidarity payment for the wealthiest in this rough autumn and an impending complete lockdown?" Asks Grönemeyer. A "culture of shared responsibility and compassion" could ensure that those who work in the event industry and have to fear for their existence because of the corona pandemic – those people "without whom all artists are helpless and lackluster are."

The solution approach, which in his view is now unavoidable in addition to state aid: "If the wealthiest were willing to make a two-time special payment of, for example, 50,000 to 150,000 euros, both this year and next, there would be around 200 billion ad hoc Euros per year available to secure livelihoods, cope with bankruptcies and alleviate fears. "
