here’s an expert’s tip to burn even more calories while sleeping

It’s cold and you’re lazy to get out from under the duvet to go to the gym? Here’s how many calories you can burn just by getting a good night’s sleep.

Video by Sarah Polak

THE sleep is an essential element of the weightloss which is often neglected when rebalancing your diet or diet. We often underestimate them, but there are plenty of good habits to adopt to burn more calories every day and sleeping well is clearly one of them. Good news, if with the cold you have difficulty finding the motivation to do your usual sports session one morning, know that your body burns more calories than you think when it is at rest.

Although the body does not burn as many calories as it would in movement, what it does expend while you sleep is far from insignificant. According to Cathy Posey, blogger and nutrition coach from interviewed by Reader’s digestthe number of calories burned by your body depends on your weight, how long you sleep and your body temperature, but there is still an easy technique to do a estimate how many calories you burn each night while sleeping. Eliminated calories that can help you in your weight loss process.

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How to calculate the number of calories you burn while sleeping?

“On average, people burn about 0.42 calories per hour per pound of body weight while sleeping.” specifies the nutrition coach. To calculate how much you burn each night, you need to multiply your weight by this number, then multiply the number obtained by your number of hours of sleep. According to League against obesitythe average weight of a French woman being 67 kg, we can estimate that for a night of 7 hours of sleep, we burn on average 197 calories just by sleeping.

Weight loss: an expert’s tip for burning more calories while sleeping

The really good news is that you can burn even more calories while sleeping if you adopt a few tips. According to Terry Cralle, a nurse and sleep expert who was also interviewed by Reader’s digest, it would be enough to sleep dressed in very light pajamas or naked to increase our basic metabolism, and therefore burn more calories at rest. “Sleeping cool can boost metabolism and help with weight loss”affirms, in fact, the expert.

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