Here’s the amount of red meat you can eat each week to be healthy, according to a nutritionist

Nutritionist Raphaël Gruman discussed the amount of red meat that is best to consume. Although red meat is nutritionally interesting, it should be eaten in moderation.

Although it is good for health, the consumption of red vande nevertheless increases the risk of cancer. But if you consume it in small quantities, it remains nutritionally interesting: “We must not demonize it”, revealed Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist and co-author of the work The best diet in the world. And to continue: “It is a good source of protein, iron and vitamin B12. On the other hand, its overconsumption can cause cancers, particularly colorectal, and cardiovascular diseases.”

However, you must keep in mind that beyond 300 to 500 grams per week, Consumption of red meat can cause colorectal and bowel cancer according to the World Health Organization (WHO): “There are two reasons for this. First, the fat content of red meat is much higher than that of white meat (15% on average compared to 5%). Then, it contains so-called saturated fats which are harmful to the body. said the nutritionist.

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Which cuts of meat should be preferred according to the nutritionist?

Still according to the nutritionist, 500 grams of red meat per week, i.e. 3 to 4 steaks of 100 to 150 grams can be consumed. You must also limit your maximum weekly consumption of cold cuts and processed meat to 150 grams according to the WHO. It is therefore advisable to choose less fatty cuts of red meat. “For example, prefer steak or rump steak which are fairly lean meats, unlike entrecôte, which is fattier. On the other hand, “first price” steaks are often quite fatty. It’s better to eat red meat less often but choose it of better quality.concluded Raphaël Gruman.

A journalist for several years, Léa specializes in the web. Versatile, she likes to decipher daily news. His favorite subjects are: health, well-being, lifestyle and…

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