Horoscope: 4 zodiac signs that are making life unnecessarily difficult at the moment

These zodiac signs are making life unnecessarily difficult for themselves at the moment

© Xavier Lorenzo / Shutterstock

Life could be so simple – if we didn’t make it difficult for ourselves at times. At the moment, the following zodiac signs are standing in their own way.

There are many ways in which we can make life difficult for ourselves: take ourselves too seriously or not seriously enough. Place too high demands on us or on others. Investing mental energy in problems that never occur or that are long behind us. Most people have tried one of these trails – or others that lead to a similar result. Often there are phases in which we are stuck in a certain attitude or line of sight that makes life particularly difficult for us, at least more difficult than necessary. The following zodiac signs are currently experiencing such a phase – a change of perspective could help some of them.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs are making life unnecessarily difficult at the moment


Pisces always want to protect their loved ones and keep them away from all harm. And right now it is particularly difficult for the watermark that this is not possible. They quarrel and deal a lot with their worries about others. At the moment it can’t do much more than trust and be there. And in fact that would be enough.


Taurus currently find it particularly difficult to set themselves apart and concentrate on what is good for them. The earth sign would like to please everyone because it wants to be liked and is afraid of rejection. Trying to win everyone over is like fighting windmills: doomed to failure.


Cancers currently tend to take themselves a little too seriously. The watermark now reacts very sensitively to discrepancies – both on the relationship level and in relation to one’s own sensitivities. A little more serenity would make his life a lot easier now. And it wouldn’t be wrong.


Scorpios generally have a tendency to extremes, which is once again causing them unnecessary problems. But: if someone is not for us, that does not mean that they are against us. And if we lose something, we can win at the same time. A little less black and white thinking and a little more openness to gray tones and shades would now be helpful and a real life relief for the Scorpio.
