Horoscope: This is how the zodiac signs react to "I love you"

A confession of love is a pretty big deal for most people. On the one hand, we all know from experience that the magic three words cannot simply be said, on the other hand, they can throw us off our rails when we hear them – especially when someone says them to us for the first time.

Ideally, of course, we don't say "I love you" until we're sure. On the one hand, that we really mean it, on the other hand, that our counterpart will reciprocate or at least react roughly as we would like (by the way, here you can find out what you should know about someone before you say "I love you." "say).

But as we all know: Sometimes (or mostly …) life is not ideal. Sometimes we say the three words too early, sometimes we say them to the wrong person, and sometimes at a totally inopportune moment. And sometimes the other person just reacts in a strange and unexpected way. You can find out which bizarre answers to "I love you" the zodiac signs typically give – or, if you are lucky, even think – in our gallery. And maybe we can take the opportunity to state again: A confession of love is not necessarily a big thing, but a beautiful one – provided we don't overcomplicate it.

Would you like to find out more about yourself and the other zodiac signs? If you are interested in relationships and partnerships, you can find out more in our partner horoscope. There you will find tips and information for all possible zodiac pairings. Would you like to know in general how the twelve types of zodiac sign act in relationships and what they need? You can read about that in our love horoscope.

You might also find interesting what your moon sign reveals about you or what our ascendant calculator can reveal about your personality. You can also find out from us what the zodiac signs and the four elements have to do with each other.