Hours of fear – Viennese victim (39): “They tortured me!”

Once there, a three-hour ordeal began around 8 p.m. “As soon as I saw the second perpetrator, it was clear to me that something bad was happening. Moments later, my business partner shot me,” explains S., stunned. Four light bullets from the CO2 pistol were stopped by the jacket, but two hits initially pierced deep into the stomach. The victim was overpowered with beatings, pinned to the floor and finally placed in a chair with handcuffs and tape around his legs: “Then my friend also got a syringe and shouted at me that he would plant a Russian virus in me if I told him wouldn’t give his money back. “It felt like I was in a bad movie and I just wondered when my heart would stop beating,” S. told “Krone”.

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