Household: You are guaranteed to store these foods incorrectly

Proper food storage is beneficial to ourselves, our environment and our health. These mistakes should be avoided.

Up to 12 million tons of food end up in the garbage in Germany every year. This is often due to incorrect storage and thus faster food spoilage. Storing food properly not only helps preserve nutrients and taste, but also helps reduce food waste and thus protect the environment.

Especially in the current situation, in which many people are more at home or even have to stay at home more, we should take even better care that the food stays fresh as long as possible through the correct storage in order to avoid unnecessary shopping trips. Also because of the taste, it is worth paying attention to the correct storage of food in the household. The following tips are intended to help avoid unnecessary mistakes and to help foods keep longer.

Store bread properly

The food that is most often incorrectly stored in the home is bread. Many consumers wrap it in plastic wrap, where mold forms all too quickly. Bread belongs in a bread bin. It has no place in the refrigerator either, because the moisture also causes mold there. Bread is also very easy to freeze. This way it will last a long time and you can stock up on it.

Transfer flour

Why shouldn't flour stay in the paper package? Because this allows food moths to spread. It is best to pour flour into an airtight container, for example a storage jar. It is also important to know that whole wheat flour does not keep that long and should only be stored for a few weeks.

This applies to vegetables and fruits

Do vegetables and fruits belong in the refrigerator? Many consumers think so. But here, too, there are some differentiations to be made. Tomatoes, for example, have no place in the refrigerator. They like it cool and dark, but not below 15 degrees. As a result, they lose their taste and spoil faster. Vegetables that contain a lot of water, such as cucumbers, courgettes, eggplants and peppers, are also unsuitable for the refrigerator. The pantry or the cellar is much better for them. If these are not available, they should be stored at room temperature.

Lemons are different. You like the cold and find it very pleasant in the vegetable or fruit compartment of the refrigerator.

What to do with the cheese

Cheese should not be wrapped airtight in plastic in the refrigerator, but rather kept in air-permeable packaging, such as wrapped in a slightly damp cloth or in waxed paper or oilcloth.
