How to fight against the back-to-school blues?

Are you feeling low in the back to school? Decorate your return with pretty projects to sweeten this moment. We tell you everything.

Between the kids going back to school, returning to the office and the end of the summer looming on the horizon, there is something to keep your spirits low. Yes, after the summer break, the back to school spleen invites himself. According to a Harris Interractive poll published in 2018, 49% of French people are depressed after returning from vacation.

Fortunately, back to school also has some pretty surprises in store. To overcome the blues of returning from vacation, here are some tips to adopt.

Extend the holiday effect

It’s proven: the benefit of a vacation lasts 2 to 3 weeks after the start of the school year. This is little. What if you tried to make the vacation fun last? Take advantage of the sun as soon as it points the tip of its nose, continue the barbecues, aperitifs on the terrace, roam the market, save time for yourself and enjoy the good times after the holidays because, yes there is!

Test a new sport

Back to school is also the time to try new things. Why not sign up for that yoga class you crave? You can also find out about the offers that your company offers. Today, many subscriptions such as ClassPass, Gymlib, Urban Sports Club or even Zippy Pass provide access to a very large number of gyms in France. A great way to try out several sports and find the ones you really like!

Launch new projects

To fight the back-to-school blues, set yourself some positive goals. Learn a new language, create your newsletter, change jobs, get started on an associative project … September remains the ideal time to take on new challenges and take stock of your personal life on the one hand, but also on his work and his aspirations.

Give yourself time for yourself

Taking time for yourself is essential, even during the rush and stress of back to school. Give yourself time to decompress and let go. It's good for morale, it reboots and it saves you energy and productivity.

Plan your next vacation

Think now about your future vacation and book it. It's easier to get back to work when you already have your next getaway in mind.

You can also plan a weekend away from home to unwind. This moment of relaxation can become a real tradition to be renewed for example every three months! Something to come back to the office pumped up.

See also: It's proven, taking a vacation would help you live longer

Video by Helena Ergisi