In the enclosure – stranger is said to have injured alpacas with a knife

Was there an animal abuser at work here? On August 26th, a stranger is said to have entered an alpaca enclosure in Nestelbach near Graz. He is said to have willfully injured two of the animals.

On the night of August 26th, strangers are said to have entered an alpaca enclosure in Laßnitzhöhe and inflicted deep cuts on two animals. The farm owners gave to the Police inspection Laßnitzhöhe that they heard a noise shortly after one o’clock in the morning. The next morning the owners found deep cuts in the two animals.

Monkey, eagle owl and goats also found dead
During the investigation it turned out that a Berber monkey had been found dead three weeks earlier, also in the enclosure. Three years earlier, two pygmy goats and an eagle owl had mysteriously died.

The police are now investigating suspected cruelty to animals. In any case, it is certain that the alpacas did not injure themselves. However, the fence is not damaged.