"It's just kif!" : Cyril Hanouna's son hidden in the background: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Thursday June 4, 2020, Cyril Hanouna experienced some mishaps on the set of his show C that kif!. Indeed, following a technical incident, the show could not start on time as announced by the presenter of C8 on his Twitter account. "Darling, there is a darka 13 minutes from the antenna, there is no sound and no picture ! The teams are doing the maximum! I'll keep you informed." he announced. Finally, everything went back to normal at 7:26 p.m. Seriously but humourously, the presenter of Do not touch My TV ! said : "We have solved the technical problem inherent in a two-headed flood in the basement of the first floor. "

Cyril Hanouna's son comes out of his hiding place

A little later, the host surprised his columnists by revealing: "There’s a huge darka tonight, it’s still my son below the desk… He’s quiet."It was then that his 8-year-old boy Lino came out of his hiding place with the permission of his father:"Come on honey, you're not going to stay there two hours ! Come my darling love ! " Once Lino was in his arms, Cyril Hanouna could not help whispering to him that he loved him, before explaining: "He was afraid you would see him, because he was with me during the technical problem. " Quite intimidated, the young boy finally left the set to go backstage so that his father could resume the course of the show. The presence of his son made columnists smile, including Gilles Verdez, who was making a comeback on set.

Read also : Cyril Hanouna: his father doctor contracted the coronavirus