Jenke von Wilmsdorff: The next TV experiment tests his consumerism

Jenke von Wilmsdorff
Next TV experiment tests his consumerism

Jenke von Wilmsdorff starts another TV experiment as a test subject.

© ProSieben / Marc Rehbeck

Jenke von Wilmsdorff is launching another TV experiment. This is where the self-proclaimed consumer junkie does without.

In the course of his long TV career, Jenke von Wilmsdorff (55) has already tried his hand at being a “single mother” or had her face lifted in the service of science. In the next edition of his series “JENKE.”, Which will be broadcast on August 30th (8:15 pm, ProSieben and Joyn), he dares “The Shopping Experiment” and in it explores the question: “Does shopping really make you happy? “

To answer this question, the self-proclaimed consumer junkie von Wilmsdorff refrained from buying new things for four weeks for the experiment and reduced his belongings to fewer than 100 items during this period. Does this shopping ban make him unhappy? Or does it learn to steer his consumer behavior back into order?
