Light potato salad, the recipe and the little secret sauce: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

With the arrival of spring, the desire for cold recipes has appeared. But who says freshness does not necessarily mean absence of deliciousness. To combine everything, potato salad is ideal. Satisfying and easy to revisit, it pleases everyone. Culinary creator Lou Elsener unveiled her light version on Instagram, made with a delicious secret sauce. An easy recipe to reproduce at home, especially since the early potato season has just started.

Potato salad recipe

For this delicious and light recipe, cut the carrots and potatoes into cubes. In a saucepan filled with water, cook them for around twenty minutes. Add the eggs to the pan after 10 minutes and let them cook for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the shallots and gherkins. Then, prepare the sauce by mixing the yogurt, lemon juice, honey, mustard, shallots, pickles and parsley. Drain the potatoes and carrots once they are finished cooking. Peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut them into small pieces. In a salad bowl, pour the sauce, vegetables and eggs, and mix. All you have to do is taste.

Other potato salad recipes

To be sure that your potato salad is a success, first remember to choose the right variety of tuber. In addition to early potatoes, opt for potatoes that hold up well when cooked such as amandine, charlotte or even roseval, recognizable by its dark pink skin. Don’t add the sauce when your potatoes are still hot, wait until they are cold, or at least lukewarm. For your different recipes, think about sea version potato salads. Mussels, shrimp, tuna… go very well with the tuber. Add green beans or pieces of grapefruit and some fresh herbs, like chives or parsley. Also think about country ham or white ham for your dish. For a reminder of Niçoise salad, accompany your potatoes with tuna, olives, green beans, chives, capers and tomatoes. Also note that eggs are the mainstays of this salad. For this recipe, mix chopped potatoes with crushed hard-boiled eggs, shallots, mayonnaise – homemade will be even better – and chives. For more lightness, you can replace the “mayo” with a simple vinaigrette or yogurt sauce. Foodies will add natural tuna to this potato and egg salad.

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