Linda Hardy: that romantic relationship she had with a much younger man: Current Woman The MAG

Linda Hardy has a special place in the hearts of the French. After being elected Miss France 1992, the beauty queen became an actress. Lately, she played the role of Clémentine Doucet in the hit series Tomorrow belongs to us. After playing the role for three years, Linda Hardy has announced that she is quitting the show. Painful news for the actress who took so much pleasure in playing this role. It is true that I liked it a lot. Nothing was spared him, for my greatest happiness as an actress! (…) I am not in lack of professional activities, but this character, I adore him … “, she confided, Friday April 29, 2021, in the columns of Star TV.

Between Linda Hardy and Clémentine, there was a lot in common. Indeed, the two women had a relationship with a man much younger than them. If Linda Hardy is usually very modest about her private life, she decided to bring up this past relationship as she leaves her character in Tomorrow belongs to us.

Linda Hardy, a careful lover

Unlike her character, Linda Hardy did not wish to continue in this relationship. The gap that the years widen can be luck like a burden in a romantic relationship. If some find happiness there like Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, who are 24 years apart, others prefer to leave their nascent history to the past. “It happened to me, 20 years younger … Unlike my character on the show, I don’t think I can let it all go for a man 15-20 years younger, in particular because of the eyes of others “, she confided on Friday April 30, 2021, in the columns of France Sunday. Linda Hardy fears, moreover, the fact of being abandoned by this man who had more time in front of him to find love in the arms of another. “Furthermore, men age pretty well overall, so there is a fear of ending up alone. If this relationship seems without regret, it is not the same for his departure from the TF1 series …

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