LoL: This Rell pentakill that blew Carzzy away


LoL: This Rell pentakill that blew Carzzy away


Thomas “Calo” Sauzin

The Iron Maiden is, according to Riot Games, the most tanky champion in League of Legends — but it’s very rare to see her pocketing kills, especially at High ELO. However, in the hands of IZI Dream Support, Zoelys, everything is possible: even pentakills…

League of Legends Season 12 never ceases to surprise us with a meta as diverse as it is bizarre. Between Chemtank Akali, Janna Smite or more generally the simple existence of Zeri, it is clear that the Rift has rarely been so turned upside down – to the point where nothing seems to be able to surprise us anymore.

And yet, this pentakill of a support has enough to leave our mouths wide open. Why ? Because it was not made by a Lux or a Brand fed to death, but by a Rell whose damage is close to zero…

Div 2 > Vitality?

As you can see in the video, thered team had an advantage certain, although she then seemed unable to conclude the game due to Diana’s powerspike as well as Carzzy’s Ezreal. It was without counting on the absolutely pixel commitment of Zoelys, a well-known player on the French scene since he recently ignited the Div 2 scene alongside IZI Dream.

Of course, sa Rell isn’t really responsible for the majority of the damage dealt in this teamfight, since it is Neeko’s ultimate which has a very large carry. That said, Zoelys’ positioning and flair helped trigger this action — which makes us say that he most certainly deserved this pentakill. Note of course that this kind of moves would certainly have been dramatic if it had not made it possible to close the game, since granting so many resources to a support is considered a mistake – especially at such a level.

Indeed, if we believe, Zoelys and Carzzy are currently ranked Grandmaster — something that makes this pentakill even more unlikely…

Original content by MGG Spain

After several leaks, Riot Games finally seems inclined to formalize the 159th champion to join League of Legends. And the studio is not going too far since it has created a fake company and a fake website to present Renata.

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