Low Carb – This pizza is a summer slimmer

Would you like to feast on pizza again, but keep your bikini figure upright? No problem! This pizza base will keep you fit and slim.

Pretty much everyone likes to eat pizza. Unfortunately, pizza combines the two things that damage the bikini figure: fat (in cheese, salami and oil) and carbohydrates (in dough). If you want to save here, you should pay attention to the proportion of carbohydrates when preparing the dough.

There are various options here: you can either make the dough yourself (tuna and egg quickly become low-carb pizza crusts) or you can save yourself the trouble and rely on ready-made low-carb pizza crusts. We present three ready-made floors and mixtures, all of which do very well.

Low carb pizza bases

Particularly popular: “Lizza” consists mainly of flaxseed, an important source of fiber that is not only healthy, but also low in carbohydrates. These pizza bases contain around 94% less carbohydrates than comparable bases made from wheat. The floors are already prepared, so you only have to cover them with your favorite ingredients and put them in the oven at 200 ° C for about 6-8 minutes.

€ 20.55
Click here for the pizza bases.

Low carb pizza mix

This baking mix also dispenses with carbohydrates. Instead, flaxseed and almond flour go into the batter. These not only increase the fiber, but also the protein content. The finished mixture is simply mixed with water, kneaded and left to rest for a short time. Then the dough is baked for 15 minutes without topping, taken out of the oven and topped with your favorite ingredients. Then put the pizza back in the oven for 15 minutes – that’s it!

€ 8.22
Click here for the baking mix.

Protein pizza wraps

Have you ever eaten pizza wrapped in wraps? If not, then you should definitely give these wraps a try. The dough is low in calories and carbohydrates, high in protein and healthy nutrients.

3 pieces
€ 9.90
Click here for the pizza wraps.

You can find more product recommendations in our comparison portal.

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