Marc Lavoine and Line Papin in crisis after a year of marriage? The singer makes disturbing secrets

Interviewed by the magazine Paris Match, Marc Lavoine made disturbing secrets when he was asked about the tensions he would experience with his wife, the young novelist Line Papin.

At 56, Marc Lavoine had rediscovered the joys of true love. Freshly separated from his wife Sarah Poniatowski, the mother of his three children Yasmine, Roman and Milo, he had fallen under the spell of the young novelist Line Papin, 33 years his junior. An age difference that may have caused some talk, but to which the interpreter of You my love never paid attention. “OWe don’t have to apologize for being what we are otherwise we will spend our lives doing this. And since when is this age difference shocking? I was never shocked to see Birkin with Gainsbourg. Yet he was 18 years older than her, had he defended himself in the columns ofBetween us, Faustine Bollaert’s magazine.

Sure of his love, Marc Lavoine did not have to think long before passing the ring on to the new chosen one of his heart. On July 25, 2020, the two united for life in Paris. But as your magazine revealed to you Here is, the couple went through a complicated period a few months ago. A situation that the interested party seems to more or less confirm in the columns of Paris Match.

Marc Lavoine evokes a “grief

When the magazine tries to ask him about a potential stormy period in her relationship, Marc Lavoine does not expand on the subject “even if some words touch the idea of ​​a separation, others of a reconquest …“, however underlines the magazine. Indeed, the person concerned does not deny that his last album Adult Never, in which is the song Love iceberg, adapted from a poem by Line Papin, is “imbued with a certain sadness“.

“But curiously this sadness makes me happy. I feed on it. Because I know that I am alive. With my grief, I manage. With the grief of others, it is more difficult “, explained the actor of the saga Men’s hearts. Is his couple at the origin of this melancholy? For the moment, it will be necessary to be satisfied with simple assumptions.

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