Meghan Markle: With these 4 tricks everyone gets a dream mane

Meghan's hairstylist reveals
With these 4 tricks everyone gets a dream mane

Meghan's hairstylist reveals: With these 4 tricks everyone gets a dream mane

© Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

George Northwood is the hairstylist trusted by the superstars – including the Duchess of Sussex. Now he reveals the tricks for a dream mane à la Meghan.

Long, strong and super shiny – Meghan Markle has a lot to envy her for, her hair is definitely one of them. Whether gently curled or pinned up messy – the Duchess always knows how to put her healthy mane in the limelight. But even if the genes certainly play no insignificant role, it is also thanks to special care and the clever hands of her hairstylist George Northwood that the royal always looks so stunning.

In an interview with the American "Vogue", the hair professional has now revealed the tricks Meghan uses to showcase her hair. And best of all: each of us can do it too!

1. Don't overstyle

George Northwood has conjured up quite a few unforgettable looks in the course of Meghan's royal career – but the most famous is certainly the loose chignon that the Duchess wore on her wedding day – and which soon went down in (hair) history. He wanted to create a hairstyle that would look chic but still effortless. "If the style looks natural, it reinforces the impression of healthy hair," says the hairstylist.

2. Cut tips regularly

It is essential for a healthy mane. If you want dream hair à la Meghan Markle, you can't avoid cutting the tips regularly, says George Northwood. "A good haircut maintains the health of the hair. Those who trim their tips regularly always look fresh and well-groomed!"

3. Deep cleansing is a must

Cutting your hair is one thing, taking proper care at home is quite another. Only those who provide their hair with what it needs have the chance of a healthy and strong mane. "A good hair mask, ideally used weekly, can revive dry and brittle hair and give it a new shine," explains Meghans hairstylist.

4. Not too much heat

It's no secret that too much heat damages hair. Yet this fact is all too often forgotten. "During the first lockdown, I was able to see a massive improvement in the condition of my customers' hair. The reason for this was that the hair was rarely treated with heat. Allowing the hair to air dry more often improves the structure and helps them to stay healthy and longer to stay strong. Plus it's a lot less dry and frizzy! "