Michael Schulte: Singer is looking forward to the time with four

Michael Schulte
Singer is looking forward to the time for four

Michael Schulte is going to be a father again: His second child could come every day.

© (c) Ben Wolf

Michael Schulte is currently waiting for baby number two. "We're still very relaxed," says the singer. "We're really looking forward to the time."

Michael Schulte (30, "You Let Me Walk Alone") has family time: the singer's second child and his wife Katharina could be born any day. Son Luis is looking forward to a sibling. The family man still takes time for his music: On Friday (March 12th) his new single "Stay" will be released, the first release on the major label Universal Music, to which Schulte has only recently signed a contract. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the 30-year-old talks about being a father, his soon to be four-member family and the new sound of his music.

Your new song "Stay" is about an uncertain phase in a relationship. When was the last time you felt this way?

Michael Schulte: Fortunately, that was a while ago! In the years before I met my wife, I knew the feeling all too well. And I (unfortunately) observe it again and again in our environment in other relationships. Certainly not an easy situation when things go like this in a relationship and I suspect that many are familiar with this feeling. Is it the right partner? Should I fight for and for the relationship? Or was that it?

With the song you present a new sound that you are not used to before. How did that happen?

Schulte: Yes, the sound has become a bit more modern, a little younger, especially when it comes to the beat and percussion department. You always move with the times, styles of music are constantly changing. I enjoy trying it out and testing new things every now and then. Otherwise it still sounds like a Schulte song, I think. My voice holds it together and you know the melancholy and depth from my previous songs. So it's somehow a bit different than usual, but somehow still "everything is the same".

You are happily married and a father. How do you reconcile your professional and private life?

Schulte: To be honest, it was never as easy for me as it is now. Due to the lockdown and the concert cancellations, I am much more at home and can therefore spend a lot more time with my family. As much as Corona and the situation burden us all – I can still gain a few positive aspects from this time. It's all very decelerating! That’s really good! I think, as a very ambitious person, I would never have forced such a "compulsory break" on myself. I can still bring out new music without any problems and interviews and songwriting can also be done wonderfully from home. So overall, we're really making the best of the situation and enjoying the intense time together.

Currently you are waiting for baby number two. How do you think your everyday life will change with two children?

Schulte: Good question! We are still very relaxed and imagine that we will get that very good. But things will certainly change again and a new life situation will arise that we will have to adjust to together – my wife and I, but also Luis, our son. We're just really looking forward to the time and have to say here that it naturally plays into our cards that I'm at home so much at the moment. It will probably be exciting when I'm on the road a little more. But that still seems to take a while.

Will you take a break to be there for your family after the birth?

Schulte: I'm actually already in the break, but yes, before and after the birth there is certainly less done than in the last few weeks!

How has being a father affected your life? Do you see certain things differently than before?

Schulte: I think every father and every mom will agree with me when I say that the time before parenthood is simply a completely different time than the time with a child. Everyday life changes a lot! And that's fine and nice too. At least with us, because it was and is a dream child. Of course, all of a sudden you have a great responsibility towards this little being, for whom you would simply do anything. And especially in the first two to three years, the child is very dependent on the parents! You change a lot as a person, suddenly becoming much more mature and conscientious. For me it was always a big wish to have my own little family one day. So all of this, this "new" life, makes me very happy!

Is your son a musical inspiration to you?

Schulte: Yes, I would say that! Especially with my song "Back to the Start", the little one helped me a lot to get to the topic of the song!

Does your son Luis already show musical talent?

Schulte: Difficult to say! He loves to play with the guitar and the piano. I don't know whether that means that there is talent in him. Children generally love everything that makes noise. But I think he has a creative streak in him and I could well imagine that one day he would want to make real music himself.
